WoNDERLuST is a homage to child-like innocence and ease of heart, as well as the continuous curiosity to discover and explore, all so natural and intrinsic to the spirit of being. The most intriguing and unpredictable stories arise from the process of transformation and exploration. For HE maintaining an open mind, and focusing on the process rather than the result, remains essential. Only through the process itself can a product develop its potential. The richness and fullness of ideas and feelings accompany creativity along its stream. The product eventually emerges from all these interactions. Sourcing power and inspiration from the darkness within and without, eventually lets light through and propels the process towards an outcome. The struggle for a rich and full creation, even if never truly finished, defines the desire for continuation. The final essence of all the interactions comes together in the movement that the body adds as it inhabits each piece of garment and brings it to life.
Staying true to previous collections HE maintains its limited and sustainable approach in production.
Heartfelt thanks to Steffen Junghanss for his outstanding photographic works.