Fabric and garment Care Guide

Fabric and garment care is in many ways easier than you might think and as a fashion label on a sustainable mission HE is happy to contribute some advice here, too. Most pieces of garment, except for those that are intimately in touch with your body, don’t need to be washed as regularly as we often do it by habit. Airing a piece of garment as well as shaking it out properly usually is enough before the next wear. By washing your garments less the color and the fabric get preserved much better and longer. Most stains can be treated on the spot. In general washing your pieces of garment less and caring for them more is not at all an unhygienic process but a rather responsible one which benefits the environment as well as your wallet. 

Needless to say that when washing a full, but not too loaded, machine is better than an almost empty one. Be thoughtful at all times to not waste water and energy. Don’t overfill your machine because too much friction wears out your garments faster as well as cleans them poorly. Sort your garments before washing by color, fabric, and temperature.

Choose your laundry detergent wisely as different fabrics require different care and always read the instructions on the packaging. Try to avoid using softeners because they cause more damage than good to garment and environment. 

Air drying your garment is the best option for a longer preservation. Never leave wet garments in the machine because they might develop mold and mildew.

Some of the pieces of garment by HE require special handling and should only be dry cleaned by an expert. Before dropping your laundry at the dry cleaner inform yourself on what ways of dry cleaning they provide. Always choose the methods which harm the environment and your garment the least.

Last but not least we highly encourage you to follow the instructions provided on the care label in our garments as well as here. 

In case you have any doubts or questions don’t ever hesitate to contact us. 

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